Still want to help us? FUND THE MISSION
The chefs, volunteers and guests who make up our Signature Chefs Events community are coming together in new, innovative ways to suport moms and babies this year.
We are following state mandated guidelines in response to COVID-19 and will not have an in-person event this year. So, we are preparing an exciting, new Virtual Gala for your 2020 March of Dimes Signature Chefs Auction experience!
We need your help now more than ever. Your support funds:
Every year, 15 million babies are born prematurely worldwide, and 1 million will die before their first birthday. Your gift helps the March of Dimes fund research, education, advocacy and programs that help more moms have full-term pregnancies and healthy babies.
Click here to view our 2024 SPONSORSHIP To purchase a sponsorship, select the "Registration" button at the top of the page. Through partnerships with companies, organizations, and individuals, March of Dimes is able to create unique moments for your clients, vendors, and leadership teams. Sponsorship opportunities are available at a variety of levels for our Signature Chefs events, providing you with brand recognition, civic engagement, and an exclusive client entertainment opportunity within the event. We look forward to working with you to discuss your partnership with March of Dimes. Please contact Jill Donnelly at or 513.235.7201 for more information.
View our updated event acknowledgements and waivers here.