Signature Chefs


Donnelly, Lisa
| (513) 235-7201
Donnelly, Lisa

Thank you for supporting
Signature Chefs Feeding Motherhood Cincinnati

DATE: Thursday, November 14, 2024  |  TIME: 5:30 p.m.
LOCATION: Cincinnati Music Hall
ADDRESS: 1241 Elm St., Cincinnati , OH 45140


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Event description

The chefs, volunteers and guests who make up our Signature Chefs Events community are coming together in new, innovative ways to suport moms and babies this year.

We are following state mandated guidelines in response to COVID-19 and will not have an in-person event this year. So, we are preparing an exciting, new Virtual Gala for your 2020 March of Dimes Signature Chefs Auction experience!

We need your help now more than ever. Your support funds:

  • COVID-19 interventions and support for moms and babies
  • Programs that promote health equity for moms and babies and directly combat racial disparities in maternal and child health
  • Free virtual NICU support program for families
  • Virtual prenatal programs for moms-to-be
  • Educational programs, including live Facebook panel discussions, to get info into the hands of moms and families
  • Necessary supplies for expectant mothers including blood pressure cuffs and masks and so much more!

Support the mission

Every year, 15 million babies are born prematurely worldwide, and 1 million will die before their first birthday. Your gift helps the March of Dimes fund research, education, advocacy and programs that help more moms have full-term pregnancies and healthy babies.

Become a sponsor

Every year, 15 million babies are born prematurely worldwide, and 1 million will die before their first birthday. Your gift helps the March of Dimes fund research, education, advocacy and programs that help more moms have full-term pregnancies and healthy babies.

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Click here to view our 2024 SPONSORSHIP

To purchase a sponsorship, select the "Registration" button at the top of the page.

Through partnerships with companies, organizations, and individuals, March of Dimes is able to create unique moments for your clients, vendors, and leadership teams. Sponsorship opportunities are available at a variety of levels for our Signature Chefs events, providing you with brand recognition, civic engagement, and an exclusive client entertainment opportunity within the event. We look forward to working with you to discuss your partnership with March of Dimes.

Please contact Jill Donnelly at or 513.235.7201 for more information.

Moms and babies need you now more than ever.
The chefs, volunteers and guests who make up our Signature Chefs Auction community are coming together in new, innovative ways to support moms and babies this year.
Data show that the U.S. remains among the most dangerous developed nations in the world for childbirth. Over 700 women die each year from pregnancy-related causes, and the CDC reports that 60 percent are preventable. The preterm birth rate is on the rise. Two babies die every hour in the United States. By joining our Signature Chefs Auction community you are making a big difference. 

Join us on November 14, 2024 at Cincinnati Music Hall
to help us raise criticul funds to support our mission.
Your support of March of Dimes helps fund:
  • Free virtual NICU support program for families
  • Virtual prenatal programs for moms-to-be
  • COVID-19 interventions and support for moms and babies
  • Programs that promote health equity for moms and babies and directly combat racial disparities in maternal and child health
  • Educational programs, including live Facebook panel discussions, to get info into the hands of moms and families
  • Necessary supplies for expectant mothers including blood pressure cuffs and masks and so much more!
Learn more about how we are coming together in new and exciting ways in 2024.  We will update this page as we finalize our plans.  We hope you reach out directly! Contact Jill Donnelly at [email protected] for more information.

John Thomas

John Thomas serves as vice president of Environmental and Safety Solutions Inc. an NMSDC, Ohio MBE, Edge certified company specializing in environmental, health and safety consulting services.  With over 30 years of experience in environmental and safety consulting, John leads the firm's business development and marketing strategies.  Prior to joining ESS, he worked as a senior project manager for several engineering firms in the Cincinnati area and spent 10 years as the vice president of a construction company that specialized in industrial and federal contracting services.

As a trusted and exprienced industry veteran, John lends his expertise to numerous professional and community organizations.  He is president of the Building Environment Council of Ohio and serves on the boards of March of Dimes, Design-Build Institute of America, Southwest Ohio Region Workforce Investment, Valley Interfaith Community Resource Center and Dayton Safety Council.

Outside of work, John enjoys golfing, travel, dining and dogs.  John is also a former New York Jets football player.


Introducing our 2024 Ambassador, The Frangopoulos. Maureen had been experiencing high blood pressure throughout most of her pregnancy but it wasn’t diagnosed until about 18-20 weeks as doctors thought I was reacting with “white coat syndrome” when she presented to the office (getting nervous). Once they realized it was an ongoing issue, Maureen was placed on blood pressure meds which worked for about 10 weeks, then her blood pressure continued to spike and medication couldn’t control it. Maureen was placed under the care of high-risk team at Northwestern and prescribed bed rest so she ceased working at that time (about 29 weeks). Maureen was able to go for another 2.5 half weeks when her pressure spiked to an amount where she felt she was experiencing a stroke and felt out of balance in her own body. Stelio rushed her to the ER where she was immediately admitted and given IV blood pressure meds. Maureen stayed for a few days and was discharged as they felt they had gotten the blood pressure under control. About two days later, She woke up in the middle of the night feeling incredibly unsettled and feeling off so her and Stelio once again rushed her back to the hospital and her blood pressure was extremely high.
Maureen was admitted to the ER due to preeclampsia and worrying she would become eclamptic, she was 32 weeks on the dot. She labored for about 18 hours, including use of foley bulb induction as they could not get her to dilate….Michael then went into distress so they moved quickly to the operating room for an emergency c-section. Upon birth, Michael wasn’t breathing so he was rushed away from Maureen and Stelio over to the NICU where he was intubated. Maureen was placed on anti-stroke meds and ultimately her blood pressure never returned to normal; she is still on blood pressure medication to this day.

Michael was removed from intubation after about 48 hours but still was losing weight and it took about a week to get him on the correct feeding formula–Maureen exclusively pumped for the duration of the 8 weeks he was in the NICU and until his 9 month birthday. He developed a milk protein allergy so ultimately had to go on allergy formula, until he outgrew it, and Maureen was able to re-introduce breast milk. He had a grade I brain bleed and though he experiences some neurodivergence today (ADHD), no long-term lasting impacts on that item. He is overall a healthy and thriving 9-year-old today!


Every year, 15 million babies are born prematurely worldwide, and 1 million will die before their first birthday. Your gift helps the March of Dimes fund research, education, advocacy and programs that help more moms have full-term pregnancies and healthy babies.

Please click here to support our mission:  Support Our Cause (

Rob Williams FOX19 NOW 

Rob is not new at FOX19 NOW. He has been there since December 1995.
That’s more than 20 years of reporting and anchoring in Cincinnati. 

Rob started as a weekend anchor with Tricia Macke. They did that for more than two years together. Their bosses decided that they had the right chemistry for the morning show. Back then it was called “19 in the Morning.”  Getting up at the crack of dawn didn’t seem like his “thing.” Tricia moved to evenings about a year after they started that shift. Rob on the other hand stayed and stayed and stayed. 17 years to be exact of rolling out of bed at 2:15 am and getting to work by 3:15 am for a show that grew to be 6 and a half hours.

They covered a lot of breaking news including the September 11th terrorist attacks. They were in a cooking segment with the “Midnight Gourmet,” when their producer Dan Romito “got in his ear.” He said there was something going on at the World Trade Center and they have live video. They took it before the networks and before anyone else in town. In fact, they saw United Airlines Flight 175 crash into the south tower live on our air. A game-changing moment for most of everyone. So his career at Fox19 NOW has come full circle. 



Matt Rogers is a TV show personality, NFL Announcer and business owner.  After becoming Rose Bowl Champion in 2001 with the Washington Huskies, Matt followed his passion for television.  He first found fame as a Season 3 Finalist on FOX's reality singing competition "American Idol"  Matt began auctioneering in 2008 when his son was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis.  Matt and his wife wanted to give back to a cause that gave people hope for a better future.  Matt is a proud husband to wife Teri, and father to Brayden (16), Mason (14), Samantha (8), & Brooklyn (6 months).


Our event features an exclusive selection of auction packages online for your bidding pleasure. These packages provide you with a chance to purchase trips, dining experiences and once-in-a-lifetime moments to share with friends, family, clients and employees. The 2024 Silent Auction will open November 1st, more to come!  


Our Sponsors

Our Sponsor

View our updated event acknowledgements and waivers here.